Hello micro.blog

It’s no coincidence that the first thing I write about on Micro.blog is microblogging. I haven’t fully grasped its import until I read Manton’s book on the topic.

I’ll most likely linkblog — dropping must-reads, leaving bookmark-able links I might reuse for a lengthier piece later. Or links you might find useful for your own piece. I’m also excited about Bookshelves.

How and how often? Regular blog posts take me a couple of weeks to finish. For microblog posts, I aim to get one out every three days.

The process looks natural. I’ve been doing it for years except for the writing step. Quickly triage resources through Readwise Reader — delete, archive or move to later or shortlist. I’ll read whatever’s in the shortlist, highlight and annotate. These I’ll revisit and eventually write about.

Zelle @zelle