Automating the News by Nicholas Diakopoulos

Finished reading: Automating the News by Nicholas Diakopoulos 📚

Who is it for? I can think of three groups.

Group One: computer scientists, machine learning researchers and and others steeped in technology and interested in algorithmic media.

Group Two: media professionals such as journalists, editors, and news developers who works with emerging generative AI technology and are eager to gain a deep understanding of algorithms in media production.

Group Three: students contemplating the future of journalism and their role within it.

I fall into the second and third groups. Before this book, I thought about degrees tailor-made for computational journalism. I found a few: Columbia University’s Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science and Cardiff University’s master’s program in Computational and Data Journalism. Reading it backed up my decision to take a more pragmatic path.

Zelle @zelle