Six months later

Some clarity after a six-month microblogging hiatus.

I spent half of it on corpus design and data collection. The end result is a specialized corpus on Al sampled from The Guardian.

What’s clear: building a principled, well-represented corpus is hard work. Trite but true, anything worth doing is worth doing well.

I must have spent two full weeks gathering requirements for my Spanish DNV application.

What’s clear: it’s less about “how risky is it?” and more about “will I regret not trying?” (FWIW, I’m a solo visa applicant.)

The last three weeks has been less exhilarating. I work for a company that supports publishers (CMS and other related tools) and the recent layoffs hit too close to home. To top it all off, Google has decided to do the Googling for us.

What’s clear: we have to think hard about the version of the web we want to keep.

Zelle @zelle