

: A wonderful read on slowness and qualitative research asks an urgent question: “how can we inject …

: This gem from The Jolt is what I needed today. I hope it helps tide you over in this crazy, wacky …

: This is a hugely environmentally destructive side to the tech industry. While it has played a big …

: Currently reading: The Future of Language by Philip Seargeant 📚

: A worthwhile six-minute read on Generative AI and writing Creative intent is the key thing, …

: Six months later Some clarity after a six-month microblogging hiatus. I spent half of it on corpus design and data …

: That word “content” But these paradigm shifts require more clarity in our language, not less. A …

: Tech companies are ditching news: Even in the long-fractious relationship between publishers and …

: 🎧 Are half the words in English from French? A corpus linguist answers.

: Anyone here on ResearchGate and/or OSF? What’s the deal with putting stuff on these sites?

: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, 2023

: The focus on manual curation appears to be working. I check the Discover tab whenever I can and, …

: Now on its second week, Lancaster University’s MOOC on corpus linguistics is a great …

: On psychwashing One of my favorite client publishers, WorldCrunch, had this to say: Though it might …

: Coming out soon: The Big Bad Bias Book 📖 Say goodbye to the complicated graphs and lists. The Big …

: I’m in the middle of my one-year master’s hiatus, spending half of my spare time getting ready …

: Today’s a good day. I’m grateful to have enough. I’m grateful to have known what is enough.

: Most decisions aren’t made on a spreadsheet, where you just add up the numbers and a rational answer …

: I upgraded from an obsolete iPad mini to an iPad Air 5. It’s becoming the thing I wanted it to be — …

: Dana's Dear Folks Letters This past week I’ve been revisiting Dear Folks Letters by Donella “Dana” Meadows for …

: LLMs for Social Science Looks fun! A 3-day large language models workshop for early-career …

: Elizabeth Mackinlay, in Departing Radically in Academic Writing, writes: BECAUSE we love words and …

: Finished reading: My Name Is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout 📚 I devoured the book during my first …

: Sir Ken Robinson on Finding Your Element 📺 An invigorating talk on finding and sharing your gifts. I …

: Automating the News by Nicholas Diakopoulos Finished reading: Automating the News by Nicholas Diakopoulos 📚 Who is it for? I can think of three …

: From Sep Kamvar’s Make Space for Beauty 💬 So how do we decide what to make? It is tempting to …

: Hello It’s no coincidence that the first thing I write about on is microblogging. I haven’t …